Meeting Notes: December 15, 2020
- Safe winter walking & biking (Laura)
- Crossing Guard & Public Works Appreciation (Laura)
- Traffic Calming in Middlebury (Erik)
- Triangle Loop update and next steps (Doug/Laura)
- Walk-Bike Council membership & roles (Adam)
(Notes from the: September Meeting, May Meeting, January Meeting)
Continue below for full notes.
Read moreMeeting Notes: September 15, 2020
The September meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on September 15, 2020 via Zoom.
- Introductions
- Introducing the Council's new liaison at LocalMotion: Jonathon Weber, Livable Streets Program Manager.
Walk and Roll to School during the pandemic (Erik) Had hoped to present at Walk Bike Summit
I’m willing to report out on the study that Middlebury College students undertook last spring looking at how students get to and from Mary Hogan Elementary School. I’d also be curious to hear what ideas council members have for the Safe Routes programs this year considering there are no Walk and Roll Wednesdays and visitors are not allowed on school grounds. - Safe routes and parking
- Route 7 navigation (thru school/shopping zone)
- Bike parking standards (design, placement, sheltering) Bus stop amenities (place to sit, bike parking) -Status update on Bike/Ped.
- Update on the Walk Bike Summit (Mike)
(Notes from the: May Meeting, January Meeting, October 2019 Meeting)
Continue below for full notes.
Read moreMeeting : May 28, 2020
The May meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on May 28, 2020 via Zoom.
- Ask group for permission to make a Facebook page for Walk-Bike of Addison County (Tim)
- discuss setting up a bike and pedestrian data collection plan for the county (Mike)
- Middlebury Paving Project status update. (Adam)
- use of public and open spaces this summer
(Notes from the: January Meeting, October Meeting)
Continue below for full notes.
Read moreMeeting : January 30, 2020
The January meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on January 30, 2020 at the ACRPC.
- Vergennes Recreation Committee, proposed Vergennes Loop idea (Amy Yuen)
- MacIntosh Mtn Bike Park site plan, Vergennes (Tim Clark & Eric Berg (ACBC))
- Bike parking during Middlebury rail project (Mike Winslow)
- Human Powered Parade (Melanie Kessler)
- Walk Audit training (Mike Winslow for Michele Butler)
- W-B Council facebook page discussion (Tim Clark)
- Vermont Walk-Bike Summit (Mike Winslow)
- Triangle Bike Loop next steps (Patrick Olstad, SE Group)
(Notes from the: October Meeting)
Continue below for full notes.
Read moreWe need your online input for the Triangle Bike Loop Planning Study!
After having started as a research project conducted by three Middlebury College students, the Addison County Regional Planning Commission and the Walk-Bike Council of Addison County have picked up the ball and continued on with the creation of a designated route between Addison County's three main towns of Middlebury, Bristol, and Vergennes.
When completed, the bike loop will provide a safe and enjoyable rider experience, increase connectivity between communities along the route (New Haven, Waltham, Weybridge, Ferrisburgh), and establish a sustainable and valued recreation resource. Route planners are interested in the perspective of cyclists of all abilities, drivers, walkers and joggers.
In addition, based upon results from other similar efforts across the country, the Council and the Regional Planning Commission believe that this designated route also can become an economic development tool in terms of bringing tourism to the county and attracting new residents to the area.
The town of New Haven, with assistance from the City of Vergennes received a Municipal Planning Grant from the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to fund the project. The SE Group (an engineering firm from the Burlington, VT area) was contracted to develop the plan, and they have created a website:
Triangle Bike Loop Master Plan Website
In addition, there is a draft of an overall planning document available: Draft Triangle Bike Loop Plan
PLEASE NOTE: We are looking for as much public input as we can get, and we'd greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to take a short survey with your thoughts on this project. There are only three questions and it's available online:
Triangle Bike Loop public input survey
Thanks in advance for taking the survey!
Click the image above for a larger version of the proposed route map.
Meeting : October 30, 2019
The October meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on October 30th, 2019 at the Middlebury Police station.
Middlebury Downtown Master Plan listening session (Jen Murray, Middlebury's Director of Planning & Zoning)
Planapalooza is happening November 7 - 11th.
- What are priority areas for improved safety?
- What routes do people frequently travel in Downtown, and what are the missing linkages (x to x) ?
- What ideas do people have for improving connectivity?
Bike Parking Location and Type Policy (Laura)
- Advisory Shoulders & Shoulder Striping updates (Doug)
- Triangle Loop status update
- Walk/Bike Summit & Motherload movie (Mike, Tim, others)
- Accountability of drivers who hit cyclists (Tim)
A big topic.... ...I wonder if we could be doing more to advise our state representatives about this. Wondering how others feel about this issue.
(Notes from the: August meeting, June meeting, April meeting, March meeting)
Continue below for full notes.
Read moreUpdate on Vermont Walk/Bike Summit in 2020
The volunteers who are running the Vermont Walk/Bike Summit next year in Middlebury have just announced an update:
"The Vermont Walk/Bike Summit in 2020 will welcome Don Kostelec as our keynote speaker. Don is a principal at Vitruvian Planning in Boise, Idaho, and a 17-year veteran of transportation planning, health analysis, and comprehensive planning. His mission is to lift the citizens of our country and communities out of poor health and into healthier, happier, and more fulfilled lives through an improved built environment that promotes physical activity, social interaction and emotional contentment. You can follow Don’s work on Twitter @KostelcPlan"
Meeting Notes: August 7, 2019
The August meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on August 7, 2019 at the ACRPC.
- Planning a Motherload screening at the THT. (Tim)
An independent movie / documentary about bike culture, cargo bikes, climate change, social change...
- Triangle Bike Loop planning project update and upcoming public meeting.
- Vermont Walk-Bike Summit 2020.
- Middlebury Transportation Mitigation Plan for bridge project
- Lincoln’s Advisory Shoulder on Quaker St.
- Working Group Updates
Continue below for full notes.
Read moreVermont Walk/Bike Summit for 2020
Every two years here in Vermont, a local organization (usually involved in creating improvements for the walking and bicycling communities in the state) hosts a Vermont Walk/Bike Summit. And for 2020, the hosting efforts will be shared by the Addison County Regional Planning Commission and the Walk-Bike Council of Addison County.
The Summit brings together quite a range of professionals, volunteers, and activists so that they may share information and learn from each other. The common goals are always oriented toward encouraging more members of the public to walk and bike, and also to facilitate changes and improvements in walking and bicycling infrastructure in Vermont.
The Summit for 2020 will be held in Middlebury, VT on Friday, May 8th. There will be several venues throughout the town at which the various Summit activities will be held, and participants will also have multiple options for dining during the course of the Summit.
While there will be a modest registration fee as well as a limit to the number of participants, any member of the public is welcome to attend. More details will be available soon on the Summit website, which can be reached here:
Please note that this website currently has information from the 2018 Summit, but if you would like to be notified when the 2020 information is posted, please just send an email to [email protected].
Trail-building efforts in Addison County: lessons learned
This great summary of the discussion at the June 4th, 2019 meeting of the Walk-Bike Council of Addison County was compiled by Carrie Macfarlane.
Working within existing organizational and/or governmental structures helps to ensure sustainability. It also establishes eligibility for grant funding. For example, in Bristol, the Bristol Recreation Club helps care for the Bristol Trail Network because their mission is to maintain outdoor recreation space.
- Seeking partnerships increases community buy-in and labor supply. For example, in Bristol, the Bristol Historical Society and the Bristol Conservation Commission partnered with the Bristol Trail Network to establish a loop that brings visitors to the foundations of the Bristol Manufacturing Company.
- When landowners are uneasy about allowing an easement, building other segments of the trail first allows them to see how it might affect them. Often, they come to view the trail and its supporters as friendly neighbors, and they get on board. Ultimately though, community building is more important than trail building, so if a landowner says no, alternative routes should be selected.
Creating a vision statement helps with both decision-making and publicity. For example, from Bristol:
- The mission of the Bristol Trail Network is to create and maintain trails around Bristol…
- … to promote access to and appreciation for natural, historical, and cultural resources in the vicinity & to support the recreation and education of residents and visitors alike
- … to foster human connections within our community, tie us all more closely to our landscape, and enhance Bristol’s potential as an all-seasons destination for recreation and tourism
Establishing a maintenance plan is crucial. Without one, a trail will cease to exist.
- Who will keep each segment of the trail clear and inviting? What are the expectations? How often will they check it? What should they do if heavy-duty maintenance is needed?
- In Bristol, trail ambassadors post to Front Porch Forum to announce walks on their segments of the trail. This increases visibility and use.
- The Walk-Bike Council of Addison County and Local Motion in Burlington can provide advice and expertise. In addition, Local Motion can provide technical assistance and infrastructure for communication and fundraising.