Meeting Notes: December 15, 2020


  • Safe winter walking & biking (Laura)
  • Crossing Guard & Public Works Appreciation (Laura)
  • Traffic Calming in Middlebury (Erik)
  • Triangle Loop update and next steps (Doug/Laura)
  • Walk-Bike Council membership & roles (Adam)


(Notes from the: September Meeting, May Meeting, January Meeting)

Continue below for full notes.


  • Safe winter walking & biking (Laura)
  • Crossing Guard & Public Works Appreciation (Laura)
  • Traffic Calming in Middlebury (Erik)
  • Triangle Loop update and next steps (Doug/Laura)
  • Walk-Bike Council membership & roles (Adam)


Adam Franco, Doug McKain, Nate Burt, Bethany Yon, Amy Yuen, Erik Remsen, Laura Asermily, Lisa Bernardin, Mary Yates


Safe winter walking & biking, Crossing Guard & Public Works Appreciation (Laura)

Monitoring snow removal & ice management, as well as salt usage.  Public involvement in how much salt is used, and clearing of sidewalks & bike racks, with special interest in crosswalks.  Take pictures, messaging to public works, letters to the editor, etc.  Friendly messages.  Ex. thank you message for public works efforts w/ mention of Walk/Bike Summit and suggestions, mentioning route 7, traffic lights, clearing, etc - on behalf of Midd Safe Routes and Walk/Bike Council

Salt usage levels - varies from town to town.  How do crews determine usage levels?  

Might public works be interested in getting feedback from groups?  Offer help.  Thank you message as one approach.  Road foreman’s group meetings.  

Sand - clogs storm drains & doesn’t de-ice, though good for traction.

Follow-up during January meeting


Traffic Calming in Middlebury (Erik)

Infrastructure discussion - inspired by accident involving pet on South Street; Chief Hanley in attendance

South Street - wide, therefore 35mph could be posted if evaluated (rather than 25mph) - town-wide issue

Speed boxes for traffic calming - effectiveness wanes long term

Pop-up project ideas: crosswalks on South Street (cones, painting, etc), spring time-frame

Continue discussion in January

East Middlebury reduced speed limit

Early planning key - “road diets” as means to reduce speeds

BMP has some materials for pop-up projects (in addition to Local Motion’s trailer)


Triangle Loop update and next steps (Doug/Laura)

Grant & matching funds for scoping study for Munger street

Status - need municipal project manager from New Haven, then get an RFP

Doug checking in with New Haven

Middlebury Planning commission meeting - discussed concerns of group, re. Safety, separated lanes, target audience.  Also concern about limited engagement with towns, and interest in providing input.

Consider early version of map - getting buy-in from towns first would be useful.  Planning commissions (selectboard after, perhaps).

Todo: Need to get a small group together to validate the Master plan and identify next steps. Will form it during the January W-B meeting.


Bristol Update (Mary)

Human Powered Parade returns in 2021. Will be a town event in future years, easing fundraising/insurance/etc. Organized by the Bristol Rec department.

New bike shop in Bristol. Pump track improvements (Bristol rec club). Updated skate park. Bristol trail network is increasing.


Walk-Bike Council membership & roles (Adam)

It’s been 3 years since the Council formed. What’s been working and what hasn’t from that original vision? Do we need any restructuring of roles? Original vision was even county-wide representation -- is that still possible? Should we adjust?

Other similar councils elsewhere? Lessons from them?


Next Meeting

Thursday, January 28th 5-6:30pm

  • Triangle Loop
  • Walk-Bike Council membership, roles, and structure.

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