Triangle Bike Loop

The Triangle Bike Loop (TBL) is a bike route on local roads connecting the towns of Middlebury, Vergennes, Bristol and New Haven in Addison County, Vermont. The route also passes through portions of the towns of Weybridge, Waltham and Ferrisburgh.

The TBL is described here as four sections: Middlebury to Vergennes, Vergennes to Bristol, Bristol to Middlebury, and a route through New Haven. Included are route sheets, indicating turns and distances for each section in both directions of travel, and a map for each section.

There are various ways to cycle the TBL. Using the descriptions provided here, individual cyclists can determine how much of, and which sections of, the TBL they would like to cycle. Parking locations are indicated for help in this regard. Some suggestions are:

  1. Vergennes to Middlebury and back (~23 miles)

  2. Vergennes to Bristol and back (~24 miles)

  3. Middlebury to Bristol and back (~30 miles)

    Note: Each of the three suggested routes above can be cycled beginning at either town.

  4. Middlebury to New Haven to Vergennes to Middlebury (~27 miles)

  5. Classic Triangle Loop: Vergennes to Bristol to Middlebury to Vergennes (~40 miles)

  6. New Haven to Middlebury to Vergennes to New Haven (~28 miles)

Note: Each of the three suggested routes above can be cycled in either direction.

Using the Route Sheets

The route sheets provide step-by-step directions for the various segments of the loop.

Photo courtesy of Caleb Kenna

The following conventions are used on the route sheets. Being familiar with these conventions will make them easier to follow.

  • Always be aware of the next turn you need to take and how soon it will occur. Turns that occur very soon after another (less than 0.1 mile) are often indicated on the route sheet as either QR or QL for "quick right" and "quick left." Because some turns come up quickly, it is a good idea to always look at least two cues ahead.

  • All turns from the road the route is on to another are noted on the route sheets with the distance from the start of the ride. At times, when a road continues straight, or makes a turn, the route sheet will depict this by indicating the direction to go (e.g., ST for straight, R for right, etc.) with the initials TCO, which means "To Continue On." Keep in mind that each bicycle computer may be calibrated a bit differently from other bicycle computers. For this reason, the actual distances on the route sheet may trend slightly greater or less on your computer.

  • KR (Keep Right) and KL (Keep Left) are used when another road branches off the named road you need to stay on. BR (Bear Right) and BL (Bear Left) are used when you want to turn off the named road you’re on, but the angle of the turn is less than 45 degrees.

  • Always go straight at intersections/stop signs/traffic lights unless the route sheet indicates otherwise. If no choice is exactly straight, take the road that has the same name as the road you are already on.

  • Often, when a road enters another town, and occasionally at intersections, the name of the road changes. These changes are indicated by ">>" ("becomes"); for example, Monkton Rd >> North St (Monkton Rd becomes North St).

  • Generally, when a road has both a name and a route number, both are indicated on the route sheet.

  • Be aware that things can change. Street signs may be missing. Stop signs and traffic lights may have been added, and intersections may have been realigned.

  • At times, a route sheet entry will indicate that there is a stop sign (SS) or traffic light (TL).

  • Route sheet entries in blue italics are the beginning and end of the route segment, and also points

    of interest such as parking and other facilities. These also have an "O" in the "Dir" column. These

    provide information about where you are, not information to follow the route.

  • Items in parentheses in the "Road Info/Description" column contain either additional information

    about a turn to help make sure you go the correct way, or an indication to use extra caution. Often

    these are colored red.

  • When used, the symbol "~" means "about" or "approximately."

    DISCLAIMER: While every attempt has been made to assure that the Route Sheets (Cue Sheets are accurate, the volume and nature of the information precludes any guarantees. Mistakes will happen, various road/street signs will get changed, become obscured or disappear, etc. In general, Murphy's Law will prevail. For this reason, use the ride information provided at your own risk. We suggest that, in addition to the Route Sheets provided here, that you also bring with you a detailed street map of the area in which you will be riding.

Triangle Bike Loop Messages

  • Middlebury – Bristol Segment
  • April 9, 2024    The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) project to realign the intersection at VT Route 17/East St./Sawyer Rd. intersection in New has been completed and the intersection is fully open.

  • Route Signage
  • April 9, 2024    Signs for the route have been received and are being installed in each town the route passes through. Until all the signs are installed, do not try to follow the route using only the signs. This message will be updated when the sign installation is complete.

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