Who We Are
We are a citizen-led advisory council to focus local efforts on bringing positive change for those wanting to safely walk and bike in Addison County.
We believe that safe, enjoyable conditions for walking and biking provide significant social, economic and environmental benefits. We are a citizen-led advisory group with an ear to the ground on walking and biking issues and opportunities for all abilities, both on-road and on-trail in Addison County. We strive to build our region’s capacity and understanding for everyday walking and biking, and operate from the premise that walking and biking are essential modes of transit and recreation.
For General Information
Please contact:
Laura Asermily, Walk-Bike Council Chair | [email protected] | (802) 388-9478
Mike Winslow at the Addison County Regional Planning Commission | [email protected] | (802) 388-3141
Current Council Members
The Council includes residents from across the County and representatives from supporting organizations. Addison County Regional Planning Commission (ACRPC) serves as fiscal agent for the Council and will act as staff liaison between the council, towns and the regional Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) when necessary.
Tim Clark, Northeast Area Rep. (Waltham) | [email protected]
Doug McKain, Northeast Area Rep. (New Haven) | [email protected]
Melanie Kessler, Town of Bristol Rep. | [email protected] | (802) 503-9774
Adam Franco, Town of Middlebury Rep./middbikeped list serve manager | [email protected] | (802) 458-0622
Bud Reed, Regional Business/Marketing/Communications | [email protected] | (802) 459-4077
Mary Yates, Regional Bike Rec/Tourism | [email protected]
Bethany Yon, Vermont Department of Health Rep. | [email protected] | (802) 388-5747
Laura Asermily, Chair/Regional Schools/Safe Routes to School (Middlebury) | [email protected] | (802) 388-9478
Law Enforcement Support provided by the Vermont State Police on a rotating basis