Meeting Notes: June 14, 2021
- Fix-it station location (Erik)
- EBike Lending Library
- Traffic Calming efforts (Laura)
- Complete Streets coalition (David)
Triangle Loop
- Branding/Marketing (Laura)
- Route Signs
- Munger St. New Haven Scoping Project (Mike W.)
- Route Through Middlebury / Middlebury Planning Commission (Erik)
- New Haven Railroad Station Move
- Planning next meetings.
Meeting Notes: April 26, 2021
- South Street (Middlebury) traffic calming (Erik, David)
- May Bike month events (Laura)
- Outreach efforts: Website, Facebook, Triangle Bike loop display at the Bike Swap.
- other topics TBD
Meeting Notes: March 11, 2021
- May Bike Month activities, Kelly Boe Memorial Bike Ride (Laura)
- E-bike loan program efforts with Local Motion (Laura & Erik)
- Triangle Loop Update (Doug)
- Any updates on the upcoming Class 1 paving in Middlebury this summer?
- New council members? (Tim)
- Grant opportunity (Erik)
- Climate Economy Action Center update (Laura)
- Reminder: Scheduling the next meetings
(Notes from the: January Meeting, December Meeting, September Meeting)
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Read moreMeeting Notes: Jan 28, 2021
- Triangle Loop (Doug)
- Traffic calming on South Street, Middlebury (Erik)
- VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Strategic Plan draft (Laura)
FYI: MALT strategic planning survey: (Laura)
"The Middlebury Area Land Trust (MALT) is gearing up for a strategic planning process. We'll determine the organizations path through 2025 and we need YOUR feedback. Please take 10 minutes to complete this survey, it will help us create a meaningful plan that serves the Addison County community. Questions? Comments? Please contact MALT's Executive Director, Jamie Brookside at 802-388-1007 or [email protected]. You can also visit our website. "
- Walk-Bike Summit (Mike)
- Local Motion E-Bike lending update (Erik/Laura)
- (postponed to next meeting) Walk-Bike Council structure (Adam)
(Notes from the: December Meeting, September Meeting)
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Read moreMeeting Notes: December 15, 2020
- Safe winter walking & biking (Laura)
- Crossing Guard & Public Works Appreciation (Laura)
- Traffic Calming in Middlebury (Erik)
- Triangle Loop update and next steps (Doug/Laura)
- Walk-Bike Council membership & roles (Adam)
(Notes from the: September Meeting, May Meeting, January Meeting)
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Read moreMeeting Notes: September 15, 2020
The September meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on September 15, 2020 via Zoom.
- Introductions
- Introducing the Council's new liaison at LocalMotion: Jonathon Weber, Livable Streets Program Manager.
Walk and Roll to School during the pandemic (Erik) Had hoped to present at Walk Bike Summit
I’m willing to report out on the study that Middlebury College students undertook last spring looking at how students get to and from Mary Hogan Elementary School. I’d also be curious to hear what ideas council members have for the Safe Routes programs this year considering there are no Walk and Roll Wednesdays and visitors are not allowed on school grounds. - Safe routes and parking
- Route 7 navigation (thru school/shopping zone)
- Bike parking standards (design, placement, sheltering) Bus stop amenities (place to sit, bike parking) -Status update on Bike/Ped.
- Update on the Walk Bike Summit (Mike)
(Notes from the: May Meeting, January Meeting, October 2019 Meeting)
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Read moreMeeting : May 28, 2020
The May meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on May 28, 2020 via Zoom.
- Ask group for permission to make a Facebook page for Walk-Bike of Addison County (Tim)
- discuss setting up a bike and pedestrian data collection plan for the county (Mike)
- Middlebury Paving Project status update. (Adam)
- use of public and open spaces this summer
(Notes from the: January Meeting, October Meeting)
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Read moreMeeting : January 30, 2020
The January meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on January 30, 2020 at the ACRPC.
- Vergennes Recreation Committee, proposed Vergennes Loop idea (Amy Yuen)
- MacIntosh Mtn Bike Park site plan, Vergennes (Tim Clark & Eric Berg (ACBC))
- Bike parking during Middlebury rail project (Mike Winslow)
- Human Powered Parade (Melanie Kessler)
- Walk Audit training (Mike Winslow for Michele Butler)
- W-B Council facebook page discussion (Tim Clark)
- Vermont Walk-Bike Summit (Mike Winslow)
- Triangle Bike Loop next steps (Patrick Olstad, SE Group)
(Notes from the: October Meeting)
Continue below for full notes.
Read moreMeeting : October 30, 2019
The October meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on October 30th, 2019 at the Middlebury Police station.
Middlebury Downtown Master Plan listening session (Jen Murray, Middlebury's Director of Planning & Zoning)
Planapalooza is happening November 7 - 11th.
- What are priority areas for improved safety?
- What routes do people frequently travel in Downtown, and what are the missing linkages (x to x) ?
- What ideas do people have for improving connectivity?
Bike Parking Location and Type Policy (Laura)
- Advisory Shoulders & Shoulder Striping updates (Doug)
- Triangle Loop status update
- Walk/Bike Summit & Motherload movie (Mike, Tim, others)
- Accountability of drivers who hit cyclists (Tim)
A big topic.... ...I wonder if we could be doing more to advise our state representatives about this. Wondering how others feel about this issue.
(Notes from the: August meeting, June meeting, April meeting, March meeting)
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Read moreMeeting Notes: August 7, 2019
The August meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on August 7, 2019 at the ACRPC.
- Planning a Motherload screening at the THT. (Tim)
An independent movie / documentary about bike culture, cargo bikes, climate change, social change...
- Triangle Bike Loop planning project update and upcoming public meeting.
- Vermont Walk-Bike Summit 2020.
- Middlebury Transportation Mitigation Plan for bridge project
- Lincoln’s Advisory Shoulder on Quaker St.
- Working Group Updates
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