The March meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on March 11th, 2019 at the ACRPC. See below for full notes.
- Introductions
- Triangle Loop RFP update (Mike)
- 2020 Walk-Bike Summit planning (Mike & Bethany)
- RiseVT 30/30 challenge (Bethany)
- Human-powered parade update (Mary)
- Other updates and events
Present: Doug McKain, Mary Yates, Bethany Yon, Nate Burt, Larry Buck, Mike Winslow, Bud Reed, Eric Remsen, Laura Asermily, Alison Ackert, Tim Clark.
Doug chaired meeting in Adam’s absence.
Triangle Loop RFP update (Mike)
RFP closes Thursday (March 14th) - 3 groups are submitting, so it will be competitive.
(Selection due by April 1st - in plenty of time before May 11, for sharing at the Human Powered Parade)
2020 Walk-Bike Summit planning (Mike & Bethany)
1st Steering Committee meeting held, date & location set
Next meeting this spring
Bridge project reschedule in 2020 is a potential conflict - working with Mark Bradley (THT) & Jim Gish (bridge project community liaison)
Cross-town needs - not just at Town Hall Theater.
Bridge project has been responsive to other scheduling concerns, such as graduations, so important to communicate.
May 14th meeting @ 7pm in town offices may be of particular interest.
How to keep up on the summit? - website will be updated, committee members on email lists, Walk-Bike Council - updates during these meetings too
Mike available to get folks onto committees
RiseVT 30/30 challenge (Bethany)
RiseVT & Come Alive Outside (passport project) -
30 miles in 30 days is a new fitness program - starting this weekend
Sign-up online
Bristol walking club - group walks to help support this effort
Michelle Butler working with Bristol, Lincoln, Starksboro - tie-ins to Safe Routes
Come Alive Outside - several libraries have started snowshoe rentals
Participation - data to come
Kids in rural areas - encourage outdoor activity
Human-powered parade update (Mary)
Bristol event organized by Melanie, in its 3rd year
May 11th - listed on events for Walk-Bike
Starts at skateboard park - heads East as far as Mountain Street, with major road crossings marshaled by Bristol Police
Sponsorship - packet for potential sponsors - Mary will share to group
Donations at varying levels - of food, money, products?
Kinetic sculptures encouraged
No entry fee
Stunt bike performers, art, some giveaways, variety of forms of transit (even unicycle!), drone footage
Publicity - get the word out
Programming? - presentation opportunity? - example: E-Bike talk
Bike organizations with presentations? - Walk-Bike with Tri-Town route; Midd. Bike club and their trail project, etc?
Other updates and events
Bristol Walk & Roll (Mary)
2 snow days
all lined up for this week - volunteers ready
Bike Smart Training
After school program too - ELP
8-week program - Mary & Melanie - after school biking
(Last year - 5 miles to Queen B’s on Hardscrabble)
Teach flat tire repair
April 11th - Safe Routes to School conference (Laura)
In Barre, at the Granite Museum
More than just ‘safe routes’, conversation extending to ‘complete streets’
Vergennes Walk & Roll (Tim)
1st week of March (Wed the 6th?)
Working on recording info on the Way to Go School Challenge website
(Rewards for points earned, opportunity for grand prizes)
National Bike to School Day (Laura)
2nd Wednesday in May
Other events - Bike to Work day?
Calling All Cyclists - events coming in May, and publicized (Laura)
May 3rd Bike Swap in Cannon Park - Friday afternoon/evening
EV Demo? Bikes, cars
RAD Innovations not available
Local Motion EV Bikes? - Ross Saxton as contact
Kelly Boe Memorial Ride (Laura)
Fri. May 17th @ 4pm
Fundraising & awareness
Ride of Silence…
Richard Tom Foundation and other tie-ins to the larger issue of cycling safety
Future ride options discussed, including idea of planning a ride on the tri-town route
Middlebury Safe Routes (Laura)
Seeking fiscal agent - Town holds account, for now
Possible economy of scale working together with three towns
Walk-Bike Council falls under ACRPC
Lawn signs - Bristol (Mary)
Funding source opportunity - checking with RISE VT
Cerf Foundation as another grant source
Midd Bike-Ped list (Laura)
Rebranding to Walk-Bike Addison? To set a more regional character to it. Up for further inquiry/discussion. Much content is Middlebury-centric, but doesn’t have to be.
New “MAY USE FULL LANE” sign with bicycle graphic on Main Street Middlebury, while approaching rotary
Pedestrians (Laura)
crosswalks, safety concerns
Street lighting issue - ex. Improved on Charles Ave.
Lower cost options for illuminating darker areas of sidewalk?
On that note, Bethany shared results of a recent VT Health Department survey - do you feel it is unsafe to walk in your community?
Morrisville, White River & Addison County had best results (fewest who said yes)
E-Scooter - concerns have been expressed for pedestrian safety - the company with interest in moving into the Middlebury market has backed out
Ilsley “Tell Me Tour” - re. Potential bike loan program
Maintenance, accountability, etc.
Frog Hollow Bikes - across from the library; Ilsley can direct traffic (perhaps with tokens) to bike shop for a bike loan
(Poultney library follows this model)
Vergennes Library - bike loan program on their agenda, but not yet discussed
Snowshoe loan example. Drawing more into library, as a community center
Local Motion - winter cyclists swag
& flyer from Upper Valley Smart Commute - put together by a group that works with employers to encourage employees to find alternatives to driving to work
Laura - library of bike resources (Bikeology and other texts)
Next Meeting Scheduling
Monday, April 15th, 5:15 pm - 7:00 pm at ACRPC