The Walk-Bike Council will hold it's next meeting on Wednesday, October 30th at the ACRPC.
Middlebury Downtown Master Plan listening session (Jen Murray, Middlebury's Director of Planning & Zoning)
Planapalooza is happening November 7 - 11th.
- What are priority areas for improved safety?
- What routes do people frequently travel in Downtown, and what are the missing linkages (x to x) ?
- What ideas do people have for improving connectivity?
Bike Parking Location and Type Policy (Laura)
- Advisory Shoulders & Shoulder Striping updates (Doug)
- Triangle Loop status update
- Walk/Bike Summit & Motherload movie (Mike, Tim, others)
- Accountability of drivers who hit cyclists (Tim)
A big topic.... ...I wonder if we could be doing more to advise our state representatives about this. Wondering how others feel about this issue.
(Notes from the: August meeting, June meeting, April meeting, March meeting)
Meetings of the Walk-Bike Council are open to the public. Individuals interested in representing their towns or joining in topical Working Groups should contact Adam Franco.
October 30, 2019 at 5:15pm - 7pm
Middlebury Police Dept. public meeting room
1 Lucius Shaw Ln
Middlebury, VT 05753
United States
Google map and directions
1 Lucius Shaw Ln
Middlebury, VT 05753
United States
Google map and directions
Adam Franco
· 802-458-0622