The Walk-Bike Council will hold it's next meeting on Wednesday, August 7th at the ACRPC.
- Planning a Motherload screening at the THT. (Tim)
An independent movie / documentary about bike culture, cargo bikes, climate change, social change...
- Triangle Bike Loop planning project update and upcoming public meeting.
- Working Group Updates
Citizen and School Engagement: (from Laura)
Addison County Schools are preparing for an active year of walking and biking to school. Several have reserved the Kohl's Bike Smart trailer for 2019-20 from Local Motion and are prepared to participate in the International Walk & Roll to School Day on Wed Oct 9 and will reignite regular Walk and Roll to School Days throughout the year and encourage walking school buses and bike trains and use of new rapid flashing beacon lights and better designated crosswalks in Vergennes (downtown, several locations in school zone) and Middlebury (on Seymour St by Pulp Mill Bridge connecting to new beautiful sidewalk on Weybridge St to delight of many families in Woodbridge condos who asked for this safety measure). Middlebury's Mary Hogan School will be installing the solar array it won in the Way to Go! School Challenge sometime this fall and contributed a u-loop bike rack it won in the same challenge to MUHS which can use another rack badly and one that can accommodate a wider range of bikes (ebikes, cargo bikes) and won't twist tires. Many Addison County citizens are participating in the Rise VT 30/30 Challenge (walk a mile each day for 30 days) which will culminate at the Middlebury Block Party on Wed Aug 14 with a chance to win one of 5 Middlebury Money $100 gift certificates. The Block Party will transform downtown Main St with sod and lawn games to draw families, as last year, to Come Alive! Outside. Attention turns to preparing for the main construction of the rail bridge project resuming this month and peaking summer 2020 with alternatives to navigating downtown by shuttle bus, bike, foot. We will promote ACTR and VTrans Go VT website and new "where's my bus" app. And public hearings on the Addison County Triangle Bike Loop planned for this fall.
Citizen and School Engagement: (from Laura)
(Notes from the: June meeting, April meeting, March meeting)
Meetings of the Walk-Bike Council are open to the public. Individuals interested in representing their towns or joining in topical Working Groups should contact Adam Franco.
August 07, 2019 at 5:15pm - 7pm
Addison County Regional Planning Commission
14 Seminary St
Middlebury, VT 05753
United States
Google map and directions
14 Seminary St
Middlebury, VT 05753
United States
Google map and directions
Adam Franco
· 802-458-0622