- May Bike Month activities, Kelly Boe Memorial Bike Ride (Laura)
- E-bike loan program efforts with Local Motion (Laura & Erik)
- Triangle Loop Update (Doug)
- Any updates on the upcoming Class 1 paving in Middlebury this summer?
- New council members? (Tim)
- Grant opportunity (Erik)
- Climate Economy Action Center update (Laura)
- Reminder: Scheduling the next meetings
(Notes from the: January Meeting, December Meeting, September Meeting)
Continue below for full notes.
Adam Franco, Doug McKain, Mike Winslow, Nate Burt, Mary Yates, Tim Clark, Erik Remsen, Laura Asermily
May Bike Month activities, Kelly Boe Memorial Bike Ride (Laura)
Shall we offer activities during pandemic? Kelly Boe Mem Ride is an awareness raising event for start of cycling season (cyclists on road, safety), notes history of the W-B Council. Perhaps do a press release “ride on your own”. Photograph yourself. HPP might still be happening. Bike swap event? Frog Hollow Bikes has not been contacted yet - Laura will contact for 1st weekend in May. Tim’s opinions: events are too dense (hence not safe?). Erik opins Bike Swap is a good idea. HPP might push the 125person limit of State of VT rules. Erik’s idea of a group challenge during May, perhaps, using the Way to Go platform? Tim can post photos to our Facebook page. Laura suggests a “Bike Commuter Champion” contest. Mike suggests acknowledging the simpler commuter, not just the hard core. Council consensus - no big events.
E-bike loan program efforts with Local Motion (Laura & Erik)
2020 program was super successful. In 2021, LM will incentive communities to offer the program with minimal LM involvement. LM will purchase ebike from Frog Hollow bikes for program. Midd Safe Routes & Frog Hollow Bikes will work together to organize in Add Co. Can rotate to other towns too. Bikes will be winter stored at Frog Hollow. Biggest issue will be maintaining the bikes. Adam suggests we get the info to our website. Mary suggests when the bikes go to Bristol, perhaps CMOS would be the venue. Tim suggests Little City Cycles, Vergennes might be interested.
E-Scooters - Bird still getting permission from Midd Selectboard. Hoping to start Summer 2021, but not confirmed.
Council will be involved in safety of all e-options.
Triangle Loop Update (Doug)
New Haven was awarded a scoping study grant to study shoulder paving on Munger Street, but did not budget matching funds. Unclear if the grant can be rolled forward to a future year.
Doug shared a document with a “to do” list with Council. What is the next step?
Tim shared maps with each town’s route highlighted when presented to Towns.
Laura’s 5 minute presentation included Triangle Bicycle Loop website to Climate Economy Action Center of Add Co. Focused on traffic calming.
Mike thinks we should be very specific when we present to towns. We should ask for something specific. Laura thinks signage. Adam thinks the town needs to approve the route.
Is “Branding” the priority? We need to agree on the NAME. Is it Triangle Bicycle Loop? TBAC? Triangle Bicycle Addison Co.?
Any updates on the upcoming Class 1 paving in Middlebury this summer?
Mike updated Contract has not been awarded yet. Is this correct Adam?
Blinking light at crosswalk on Route 7 near Mary Hogan Elem - Laura is concerned the crosswalk might get eliminated.
Mike suggests to stay active, keep community informed. Federal standards don’t support
Dan Warner would be local project manager.
Erik is on Infrastructure committee and is informed.
New council members? (Tim)
Vergennes rep? Mike is a transportation advocate, not a bike advocate. How about Tim Matthewsen? Carrie MacFarland? Carrie is busy in other groups. Stacy Raphael? Stacy is busy with other projects. Adam suggests that these folks might know other interested folks. Amy Yuen? Tim will contact her.
Laura suggests we get reps from towns in western & northern Add Co.
Adam reminds Council that the initial goal of Council was to have 2 persons from each Add Co town.
Other 5-Town’s involvement? Lincoln - Ellie Bryant? Mary will contact her.
Tim suggests a FPF post. Laura has a “blurb” to share/post.
Doug asked, Who is updating our own website?
Adam to-do: Contact Local Motion to get Erik an account.
Small grant opportunity (Erik)
Erik contacted Michelle Butler of RISE. $250-$1,500. Focused communities: Bristol, Bridport, Lincoln, Starksboro. Bike rack for Bristol Elem? Fix-it station on the Green? Bike lights for students? Mike asks maybe the W-B Council could apply? Erik will ask Michelle.
TAC next meeting Wed, March 17th, time?. Jon Kaplan will talk about rural communities.
Climate Economy Action Center update (Laura)
Climate Economy Action Center of Add Co.