- Triangle Loop (Doug)
- Traffic calming on South Street, Middlebury (Erik)
- VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Strategic Plan draft (Laura)
FYI: MALT strategic planning survey: (Laura)
"The Middlebury Area Land Trust (MALT) is gearing up for a strategic planning process. We'll determine the organizations path through 2025 and we need YOUR feedback. Please take 10 minutes to complete this survey, it will help us create a meaningful plan that serves the Addison County community. Questions? Comments? Please contact MALT's Executive Director, Jamie Brookside at 802-388-1007 or [email protected]. You can also visit our website. "
- Walk-Bike Summit (Mike)
- Local Motion E-Bike lending update (Erik/Laura)
- (postponed to next meeting) Walk-Bike Council structure (Adam)
(Notes from the: December Meeting, September Meeting)
Continue below for full notes.
Adam Franco, Doug McKain, Bethany Yon, Erik Remsen, Laura Asermily, Mike Winslow
Triangle Loop (Doug)
Doug is putting together a working group to move this effort forward.
Triangle Loop To Dos 1/28/2021
Current likely group: Doug McKain, Larry Buck, Mary Yates, Bud Reed, Laura Asermily
Tim: Need a clear statement for towns around expectations.
Laura: Does this need to be “resolution” language?
Doug will take a crack at drafting a message to towns impacted on expectations.
Traffic calming on South Street, Middlebury (Erik)
Residents of South Street have been concerned about speeding, especially since a pet was killed this summer. Brought this to the Middlebury Infrastructure Committee which is taking a broader view and looking at a couple flashing speed signs that could be moved around town.
Track 1: Flashing speed signs
Coming and in the upcoming budget, but will get moved around the town over time.
Track 2: Pop-up traffic calming project
Neighborhood is looking at engaging the W-B Council on traffic calming strategies that might be possible to advocate for. Need a request from the Town to engage the RPC. Between Mike Winslow and Local Motion staff, there should be enough broad expertise to help guide a pop-up design, but a request for this would need to come from the Town.
Track 3: Maintenance and striping
Crosswalk painting is a maintenance activity run by Bill Kernan. Paint wears out quickly -- are there possibilities of more visible painting? Red faux brick used downtown, but a more expensive treatment than paint. Look at solutions that could be applied town-wide and not particular to South Street.
VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Strategic Plan draft (Laura)
Laura: Glad to see bike parking included.
FYI: MALT strategic planning survey: (Laura)
"The Middlebury Area Land Trust (MALT) is gearing up for a strategic planning process. We'll determine the organizations path through 2025 and we need YOUR feedback. Please take 10 minutes to complete this survey, it will help us create a meaningful plan that serves the Addison County community. Questions? Comments? Please contact MALT's Executive Director, Jamie Brookside at 802-388-1007 or [email protected]. You can also visit our website. "
Laura’s Suggestions:
- A pedestrian bridge connecting Creek Road and South Street Extension.
- Connections to East Middlebury
- Improved connections to Painter hills around Bushy’s Corner.
Walk-Bike Summit (Mike)
Postponed to May to 2022. Still hoping for an in-person event.
May need new help on the organizing committee as capacity has changed over time. In particular with marketing the event.
Lots of good new stuff to show off in Middlebury with the bridge project complete, Triangle Loop, and other efforts.
Several council folks are willing to help out and there is excitement to still make it happen.
Local Motion E-Bike lending update (Erik/Laura)
Local Motions has approached Safe Routes looking to set up a long-term E-Bike lending program in Middlebury. Already did a pilot.
Local Motion would supply 2 bikes: 1 commuter, 1 cargo.
Need a local group to take on the program and keep it running year over year.
Erik in discussion with Carl at Frog Hollow Bikes and Ilsley Library about maintaining and organizing lending.
Big challenge is storage when the bikes are not in use.
FYI: Frog Hollow also does rent E-Bikes.
(postponed to next meeting) Walk-Bike Council structure (Adam)
Adam will put together a Google Drive folder to collect formation docs in preparation for next meeting
Next Meeting: March 11 5pm