Walk-Bike Council Meeting

The Walk-Bike Council will hold it's next meeting on Monday, June 4th at the ACRPC.


  • Recreational trails in Lincoln, Vergennes and Bristol 
    Residents of Lincoln and Vergennes are interested in establishing recreational trails.  Bristol has seen recent success in this area. Allegra Williams of Local Motion will attend, and representatives of the three towns will share ideas and progress updates for feedback and suggestions. 
  • Updates on the Triangle bike loop project.
  • 2020 Walk/Bike Summit.
  • Working group check-ins.

(Notes from the: March meeting, January meeting, December meeting)

Meetings of the Walk-Bike Council are open to the public. Individuals interested in representing their towns or joining in topical Working Groups should contact Adam Franco.

June 04, 2019 at 5:15pm - 7pm
Addison County Regional Planning Commission
14 Seminary St
Middlebury, VT 05753
United States
Google map and directions
Adam Franco · · 802-458-0622
Erik Remsen Porter Knight Mary Edith Yates Bud Reed Bethany Yon

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