Meeting Notes: January 14th, 2019

The January meeting of the Walk Bike Council of Addison County was held on January 14th, 2019 at the ACRPC. See below for full notes.


  • RISE program (Bethany Y, Michele Butler from RISE VT)
  • Midd Safe Routes updates (Laura A, Erik R, Nate, B)
    • Local Motion's Winter Warrior Biking Workshop at Frog Hollow Bikes
    • Winter Walk Day
    • Middlebury's parent group (MESA) and safety improvements on the grounds, particularly better lighting along some walkways that are extremely dark at night
    • Better Connection Program grant
  • update on the Route 22A paving project in Vergennes (Carrie M, Mike W)
  • Potential for bike lending at the Bixby Library in Vergennes (Tim)
  • Contact info changes (Adam)
  • Text Less Live More (Nate)


Present: Adam Franco, Bud Reed, Michelle Butler-Gilbert (RISE), Doug McCain, Bethany Yon, Tim Clark, Nate Burt, Mike Winslow, Bethany Menkart (sp?), Claire Tebbs, Erik Remsen (sp?)


RISE program (Bethany Y, Michele Butler from RISE VT)

Goals in Addison County: Increase activity, access to healthy foods

The program is a “Primary prevention initiative” developed by “One Care”, the new state-wide accountable care organization. It promotes wellness of those currently healthy to lower health care costs. Also funded by Porter Medical center.

Networking and funding roles -- participating in things like snowshoes in libraries, CSA shares getting prescribed.


Midd Safe Routes updates (Laura A, Erik R, Nate, B)

Local Motion's Winter Warrior Biking Workshop at Frog Hollow Bikes

Rescheduled due to storm.

Winter Walk Day

From Laura: Each Feb, Local Motion encourages schools to host a Winter Walk Day. We'll do ours on Feb 6 which is aligned with our Walk & Roll to School Day on first Wed  of month (see flyer). In event of extreme weather, we postpone to following Feb 13, which is when Bristol does their Walk & Roll day. Tim and Stacy, I hope Vegennes will do one. Middlebury arranges a donation of chocolate milk from Monument Farms. We dilute it a bit with water and heat it up in cafeteria before school and serve to everyone as they enter outside in the entrance area in 3 oz size dixie cups. See link below to Local Motion's support for a Winter Walk to School Day with lots of great resources.

Middlebury's parent group (MESA) and safety improvements

Trying to get MESA to be the fiscal agent for Midd Safe Routes. Town has been the fiscal agent, trying to bring more parents into the fold and strengthen partnerships.

This is how Vergennes is set up and it has worked well with lots of energy from parents.

From Laura: Midd Safe Routes approached Middlebury's parent group (MESA) about being our fiscal agent and we are working out details of that. They shared some wishes for safety improvements on the grounds, particularly better lighting along some walkways that are extremely dark at night.

Better Connection Program grant

Laura submitted a letter of support for the Middlebury Downtown Master Plan.

Update on the Route 22A paving project in Vergennes (Carrie M, Mike W)

VT-22A/Main Street is scheduled to be repaved in 2020.

Also happening: a 22A truck study. One of three options for the Truck Study was downtown realignments which will feed into the repaving plan as suggested changes.

Truck study will release a draft plan in Feb 2019. Take input between Feb and March for a March public proposal.

Vergennes Repaving in 2020
Middlebury Repaving in 2020

Bristol Repaving in 2020

Action items:

  • Carrie will follow up with Mike W to get preliminary plans in Feb.
  • Adam to contact project manager about timelines for Middlebury and/or Bristol projects


Potential for bike lending at the Bixby Library in Vergennes (Tim)

Interest from the library staff in the “library of things” concept and in particular bikes. Staff have reached out to Local Motion, will then be taking the concept to the library board.

Bethany is connecting Bixby with the Pultney Library who has done snowshoe lending.

From Bethany: “Complete Streets Webinar from November that talked about the free bike share program in Kansas:

Carrie shared challenges of lending in the college context.

Contact info changes and RPC relationship (Adam)

Mike comfortable taking over for Claire for time being until other RPC staff are hired.

RPC still the fiscal agent.

Action Items:

  • Bud will update contact info on website to replace Claire with Mike.


Triangle Loop

Bethany: Press release sent to the Addison Independent. May be published as a press release or a deeper article. Also sent to Nadine at the college who is passing .

Mike: Steering committee has been formed (and will include Allegra Williams from LM) and will be putting together an RFP for the projects.

Tim: Where should he point Waltham contacts?

Action Items:

  • Bud -- update website press release to include links to previous Addison Independent articles.


Text Less Live More (Nate)

Provide materials for organizations who would like to run no-texting-and-driving pledge drives.

Also lobbying for legislation changes (e.g. in Massachusetts). Vermont already has a state law (though it may not be particularly effective).

Local connection.

Nate can connect if there is a desire for any local groups to run an event like this.


2020 Walk-Bike Summit

2020 Walk-Bike Summit will be happening in Middlebury. Mike will be reaching out with an invite soon for a steering committee for the Summit. The RPC is the host of the Summit, looking for Walk-Bike Council participation on the steering committee.

May 8, 2020 at the Town Hall Theater.

Jane Jacobs  


Discussion: Scooters

Bethany Menkart (sp?) Who to address concerns about scooters?

Middlebury rideable device ordinance.

Recommended contacting Laura Asermely, Steve Maier (Climate Economy Task Force).


Next Meeting Scheduling

March 15th. 5:15 - 7pm

Note taker: Nate Burt


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