Meeting Notes: June 14, 2021


  • Fix-it station location (Erik)
  • EBike Lending Library
  • Traffic Calming efforts (Laura)
  • Complete Streets coalition (David)
  • Triangle Loop
    • Branding/Marketing (Laura)
    • Route Signs
    • Munger St. New Haven Scoping Project (Mike W.)
    • Route Through Middlebury / Middlebury Planning Commission (Erik)
    • New Haven Railroad Station Move
  • Planning next meetings.


Adam Franco, Doug McKain, Mike Winslow, Nate Burt, Tim Clark, Erik Remsen, Laura Asermily, Bethany Yon, Amy Yuen, David Pistilli. Carl Robinson


Fix-it station location (Erik)

Erik in discussion with Jen Murry (Town) and Matt Curran (college). Have been looking at the college park as this is along the Triangle Loop and Grand Fondo routes as well as centrally located. Identified a location by the bicycle loop racks across from Shaffer’s market. The station is designed to be bolted to concrete and the area is gravel, so need to find money or work donation to install a concrete footing. 

The College may be open/interested in taking it indoors for the winter to extend its life, but would like us to take on installation funding/coordination. Matt was open to adding signage down the road to help identify it.

May be useful to add Triangle Loop sign in close proximity.

Next steps:

  • Identify contractor to install the footing/stand.
  • Apply for VTrans / Rise Up grant or other funding source.

Amy: Investigating adding a similar Fix-it station in Vergennes along the Triangle Loop. Town of Vergennes may be able to fund installation. Also may be interest in adding a similar stand at the train station -- that probably needs VTrans approval/coordination.

Ideally each of the anchor towns of the Triangle Loop

E-Bike Lending Library (Erik)

Getting closer to launch with 2 bikes -- 1 commuter and 1 cargo. Bikes likely in Middlebury next week, then need to set up the reservation system. Local Motion is working with us to get the program running this summer, Safe Routes Middlebury/Frog Hollow partnership will take it over in future years as a long-term resource.

Bethany: Example of E-Bike reservations in Rutland:

Traffic Calming efforts (Laura)

Upcoming efforts:

  • Seminary Street: adding a crosswalk 
  • Rogers Road: adding a stop sign
  • South Street: (discussed last meeting), demonstration upcoming end of summer/fall -- Jen Murry has suggested that the pop-up constrict the width of the street at the crosswalks. The Town has added new signage at the crosswalks. Also pending: Radar speed signs.

Also putting out temporary lawn signs in coordination with walk-and-roll to school days.

Smart Growth America Champions Institute (David) 

A program for an elected (or maybe appointed) official to get training and resources on advocating for complete streets. David could draft a nomination if someone appropriate is identified. Nominations close July 15th.

Triangle Loop

Branding/Marketing (Laura)

Laura met with the Addison County Chamber. They recommended Matt Haywood at The Image Farm for designing branding, logos, and signage.

The name is still outstanding, continuing with “Triangle Loop” as a placeholder for now. 

Route Signs (Doug)

Need to use the standard MUTCD bike-route sign with an identifying name included as part.

Example from Champlain Bikeway:

Will need almost 50 signs to account for all of the turns and a few long stretches without turns.

Mike: Get a small-scale grant to pay for the signs themselves, then have the towns contribute the labor of installation of the signs as their 50% match. Spoke to a road foreman and it was suggested to go to town manager (in towns where one exists) or selectboards as they need to decide and give direction to the highway department. Highway department would like to install them though as they install the rest of the signage on Town roads and can properly site and install the signs.

Blocking tasks:

  • Finalize name
  • Get buy-in on locations from towns.

Munger St. New Haven Scoping Project (Mike W.)

New Haven has the grant and is the process of finding a contractor to do the scoping project. Will know more about public input process after that contract is awarded. The study will identify a preferred alternative and a budget for that which can then go into grant applicat

New Haven Railroad Station Move

Historic station in New Haven Junction needs to move for Amtrak service. Town of New Haven is likely moving it to North Street. Town is currently trying to decide what to use it for. A Bike fix-it station may be able to be located at the station.

Route Through Middlebury / Middlebury Planning Commission (Erik)

The Planning Commission would like Doug/others to join them to discuss the route but their agenda is pretty booked. The Planning Commission will also be undertaking a walk-bike master plan beginning this summer.

Would be helpful to have a suggested route to present to the Planning Commission.

Discussed goals of route -- local commuters/regulars know all the shortcuts, but wayfinding more important for out-of-town visitors and should direct them past the key services (stores, shops, restaurants, etc) offered downtown so that they don’t accidentally miss the downtown as they go along.

Coming clockwise from Washington Street:

  • Washington street → Court Square
  • Right on North Pleasant under Inn → left onto Main
  • Main Street to circle → College Street (past fix-it station)
  • College Street → Weybridge Street
  • Weybridge Street → Pulp Mill Road → Horse Farm Road

Coming counterclockwise from Horse Farm Road:

  • Horse Farm Road → Pulp Mill Road → Weybridge Street
  • Weybridge Street → Academy Street
  • Left onto South Main toward the circle.
  • Main → Merchant’s Row
  • Merchant’s Row around Court Square to Washington Street.

Next meetings

Adam to send a Doodle poll for first 3 weeks of August and another toward the end of September. Next two meetings will be Zoom, will discuss whether in-person will be possible after that.

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