- South Street (Middlebury) traffic calming (Erik, David)
- May Bike month events (Laura)
- Outreach efforts: Website, Facebook, Triangle Bike loop display at the Bike Swap.
- other topics TBD
Adam Franco, Doug McKain, Mike Winslow, Nate Burt, Tim Clark, Erik Remsen, Laura Asermily, Bethany Yon, Amy Yuen, David Pistilli. Carl Robinson
South Street (Middlebury) traffic calming (Erik, David)
Traffic calming coming up in May planning commission meeting.
Town committed to purchasing two speed feedback signs.
Town more interested in Town-wide initiatives than just South Street.
2015 Middlebury traffic calming study included South Street.
David & Erik will be working with Jen Murry & Planning Commission (next month’s Planning Commission meeting) and other stakeholders to get buy in and pursue a pop-up demonstration project on South Street.
US 7 paving
Under way this summer -- won’t be bike lanes, but VTrans is striping 11’ lanes resulting in wider shoulders.
Unfortunately our prior feedback to VTrans and the Town resulted in no change to the plans and the storm drains will remain recessed to some extent. Need to follow up with Town and VTrans project manager Brandon Kipp ([email protected]) to ensure that asphalt is tapered toward grates to make them safe to ride over.
May Bike month events (Laura)
No official Walk & Roll in Middlebury this year. Teachers are doing counts.
No organized Walk & Roll in Vergennes this year.
Bike Swap: Missed it on Fri April 30 (3-6 pm) and Sat May 1 (9 am-12 pm) at Cannon Park? No worries. Frog Hollow Bikes is open Mon-Sat 10 am - 4 pm all year for you to drop off used bikes for consignment sale, to buy new or used bikes and to service and assemble bikes. Remember to record your bike’s make and number in case it’s lost or stolen and check with Middlebury Police Department.
E-Bike Lending.
Outreach efforts
Walk Bike Summit will be May 6, 2022.
Bike-Ped Grants
Bike-Ped grants are open. Sidewalk scoping studies are one option to advocate for the town to undertake.
Middlebury: Middle Seymore connecting the Marble Works to the new rail platform is of particular interest. Laura will send a nudge to Kathleen Ramsey.
Vergennes: Many potential projects in Vergennes. Mike has sent a few to City Manager Ron Redmond. Main Street to train station, Monkton Road, Green Street are all needed options.
Updates from Carl & Addison County Bike Club
MALT is still working on a multi-use path to connect the North Country Trail from Middle Road to East Middlebury.
Lots of trail work happening on trails in Middlebury, Moosalamoo, and New Leaf in Bristol.
Grand Fondo funded a bike repair stand that can be mounted permanently somewhere in Middlebury. Need discussion with Town as to where it should be located. Laura suggested Cannon Park as a good location -- easy to find for people to repair bikes themselves when Frog Hollow isn’t open. Laura is happy to facilitate with town if others could help identify the location. Another good option would be the park across from Shaffer’s.
Triangle Bike Loop
New Haven Depot building is being moved. If it ends up in the New Haven village, maybe it could be incorporated as a stop in the Triangle Loop with bike-repair stands and other info.
Doug and Tim are working on a document to get buy-in from the Town of Waltham.
Laura created a display for the Bike Swap with info on the Triangle Bike Loop.
Laura is reaching out to folks to help with marketing the Triangle Bike Loop, helping to determine branding strategy and marketing.
Mike will share MUTC guidance on signage.
“Triangle Bike Loop” name may stay. Brainstorming other names.
Next meeting June 14th, 5-6:30pm: