Vermont Walk-Bike Summit 2018

On May 4th several members of the Walk-Bike Council of Addison County headed to White River Junction for the 2018 edition of the Vermont Walk-Bike Summit. Claire Tebbs, Bethany Yon, Adam Franco, and Mary Yates presented a three-part session in the "Safe and Healthy Communities" track on the formation of the Walk-Bike Council as well as the successes achieved in the Council's short lifetime.

Bethany Yon


Mary YatesThe first portion of our presentation walked through the structure of the Council's working groups and what each has achieved over the past year.


Clair TebbsThis was followed by a look at how to form an regional council, led by Claire Tebbs, with a discussion oriented to those looking to form similar councils in their communities.


Adam Franco presenting on project reviewLastly, Adam Franco led a dive into the project-review process that the Infrastructure & Project Review working group has undertaken, with resources for those looking to encourage community input on highway projects.


Sides from the presentation.

Bethany Yon, Mary Yates, Clair Tebbs, and Adam Franco.

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