Walk/Bike Council September Agenda

Walk Bike Council of Addison County

Monday, September 19 · 5:00 – 6:30pm @ ACRPC, 14 Seminary Street Middlebury, VT 05753
Google Meet joining info
Or dial: (US) +1 402-685-0223 PIN: 679 173 044#
  1. Triangle Bike Route status
  2. Midd Bike Ped Planning status
  3. Safe Routes to School status (Midd, Bristol, Vergennes)
  4. Proposed change to the Court St./Charles Ave./ Monroe St. intersection in Middlebury
  • The Middlebury Infrastructure Committee is interested in feedback from the Walk/Bike Council on a proposed change to the intersection. 
    • Here’s a link to the proposal
    • Presentation by VHB  to the Middlebury selectboard January 12, 2016 concerning this intersection 
    • Minutes from the 1/12/16 Selectboard meeting
  1. Surveying towns on bike/ped. needs
  • Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) is conducting a survey to determine regional needs for updates, extensions, and connections within its sidewalk, public multi-use pathways, and on-road bike lane networks. Is this something we should emulate?
  1. Community Change Grants 

  2. Bike Parking Improvements

  3. E-Bikes & Scooters (Regulation, Demos)

  4. Bike Bed Council Outreach (website, FB, council membership)

  5. Bus stops (amenities) --if time

  6. Crosswalks (flags, RFBL) --if time

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