Regional Transportation Plan data collection

In the spring of 2017, members of the Walk-Bike council worked with the Addison County Regional Planning Commission and the Commission's contractor, Dubois-King, on an update to the Regional Transportation Plan's walk-bike section, helping to collect data from the community on infrastructure issues and gaps.

In the spring of 2017, members of the Walk-Bike Council worked with the Addison County Regional Planning Commission and the Commission's contractor, Dubois-King, on an update to the Regional Transportation Plan's walk-bike section. Members of the Council worked to advertise the "WikiMap" used to collect community input on infrastructure issues and gaps around the county. The resulting data informs the new Regional Transportation Plan and the Council will continue to provide input on the plan as it is drafted. This data will also be used by the Walk-Bike Council as the basis for developing a list of priority issues around the county that can be shared with Towns and the State Agency of Transportation (VTrans) as they undertake roadway projects.

WikiMap results, click for full resolution PDF.
See the full-resolution map and identified safety concerns.

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